6 Ways to heal from pain!

Are you hurt so much by what someone has done to you? And you ask yourself, how can I forgive when it hurts so much? Well let me tell you that HEALING BEGINS WITH FORGIVENESS, forgiveness provides closure. You may think it is impossible to forgive someone who has deeply wronged you but with God it is possible.  He never asks us to do something we cannot do.  If we desire God's blessing and fellowship -- we must forgive others as He forgave us. Forgiveness is not a feeling. It is a decision to quit holding something against someone. When we forgive we must do it for ourselves to get well and move on. I have provided 6 action steps below to help you begin your healing process.

1. Make a decision: Make a decision to forgive, regardless of your feelings. You must forgive others, no matter what they have done, no matter how hard it may seem or how hurtful it is. It is the command of God. “Forgive and you will be forgiven” Luke . For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins Matthew 6:14-15.

2. Say a prayer for yourself and for them:
I want you to think of the person/people who has hurt you. Ask the Lord with this simple prayer. Lord, I'm coming to you because I need to forgive (insert name). I don't have anything to bring except all this pain and anger about what's happened. Lord, I don't know what to do with it all, so I'm bringing it to you and laying it at your feet. Your Word says I have to forgive (insert name), so I'm making the decision to do it. PLEASE heal me on the inside so I can let go of this. I pray for (insert name), please deal with them in the way you know is best. Heal them and bless them Lord, for I am healed! I ask this is Jesus name, Amen!

 3. Let Go: Release the grudge, hate, bitter and resentfulness you feel towards the person/people that’s in your heart. Let go and get rid of anything and everything that reminds you of them. No need to longer hold onto it, this will delay your healing. Stop checking on them, to see what they are doing, who they are doing what with etc. There is no need to hurt you by doing so, simply let GO and let GOD. 

  4. Don’t blame yourself: Many of us have a tendency to want to blame ourselves on why someone has hurt you. Just love yourself, the most important thing you can to do to heal a hurting heart is love you, know that God loves you too.

5. Do not seek revenge and don't battle with them: Do not repay evil with evil, which is a sin itself.  Do not return evil with evil, or insults with insults. Instead, pray for blessing. “You were called in order to inherit blessing" 1 Peter 3:9. Don’t battle with them asking why they have done what they have done to you. You may not get that closure that you’re looking for from them.

6. Move forward: You have to move forward with your life. Life goes on. Don’t let yourself get so low about wondering why or who has hurt you. Don’t feed that into your mind, consciously tell yourself “I am healed” and keep moving. Walk with your head high and know you have conquered this. Live life abundantly, remember you have a purpose in life and that’s to live through Christ.

If you find this beneficial and know someone who can use it for
 themselves, please share it with them. Sharing is caring!
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 Love Always, 

Tiffany Lael


  1. Otische' Aka: TischeSquaredJune 27, 2011 at 12:07 AM

    Sis, your blogs are catching me in My "Season of Change". You are impacting more than you know! Keep Letting God Lead and Guide You! Stayin' Prayed Up with you, the enemy is too mad right now. But we serve A Considerate and Powerful God!


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