"7 Ways to LOVE your single life"

Everyone desires love and wants to be in a relationship for many different reasons, sadly some of us don't know how to simply enjoy our lives being single. People think there is something wrong with you because you're not in a relationship~that is false; there is nothing wrong with you. Many of us are waiting for the right person and trusting God. I believe that God will provide the wisdom you need to determine your future mate.  You have to open your heart to receive it though; you can do this through prayer. I'm going provide you with some few things that are going to teach you some things you need to know and how to love your life being single!

1. Have a relationship with yourself and God- Having a relationship with yourself is a benefit for you, this is called being your own best friend. Learn about all your flaws and faults, correct some flaws if needed. Enjoy spending times alone. 
Once you are successful at spending time alone, you won't feel lonely during your singleness. Having a relationship with God means we should include God in our daily lives in an effort to get to know him better. We should pray to him, read and meditate on his word. Pray for wisdom and strength through your singleness time.

2. Know you are worthy to be loved - Be secure and confident within yourself, love you at all times. Believe that there is something special about you. Know you are some body who can give love and know that you are capable to be loved in return. 

3. Enjoy your life- Have fun and be happy!! Go out with your friends and mingle and live a normal happy life and keep smiling :) You still can go to the movies, the park, skating or wherever you desire. Your life doesn't have to stop just because you don't have a man or woman to spend it with right now, still live because life goes on!

4. It's better to be single, than with the wrong person- Being single is one of the best ways to prevent a disaster from being with the WRONG person for YOU.

5. Don't act desperate- Many manipulators like to prey on people who act desperate to be in a relationship when you are single, they take it as a weakness and attempt to use you for their own pleasure. Don't fall victim.

6. Learn from your past relationships- Take time to evaluate your past relationships. Ask yourself what can I learn from them, what mistakes have I made? How can I do better in my next relationship?  Whatever it may be simply learn from it and clearly don't repeat them. I hope you are healed from your past if you have been hurt, if not please read my blog below on 6 Ways to heal from pain!

7. Get your life in order- Some of us are running around dating this person and that person, but your life is a mess. Get your priorities together first! 

 Now since I provided you with some tips that you need to  know on how to love your life being single, I want you to know that God wants everyone to be happy, yes even when your single! But more importantly he still wants us to walk in life the correct way with dating if you desire to do so. I do understand that everyone does not desire to be married. "And the Lord God said, 'It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him'" (Gen. 2:18).

God wants you to remain celibate and lead to marriage. Marriage is sacred to God. The steps to marriage is dating, courtship, engagement and then marriage!

"He who finds a wife finds a good thing,
And obtains favour from the Lord" (Proverbs 18:22).

 If you find this beneficial and know someone who can use it for themselves, please share it with them.  Sharing is caring! 
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 Love Always, 

Tiffany Lael


  1. Great Blog. I will bless God in my singleness..

  2. Lovin' It! Let the sharing begin!

  3. Love it an needed that thank you.... Been single for almost four years last guy really broke my heart to the point i had given up on love but i know there is somebody out there for me an im waiting patiently on him :)

  4. Tiffany,I have been single for about 2 years.The guy that crosses my path,I don't like,and the guy I like,it does'nt work out.So I just let go and let God bring the right person to cross my path.It is ok to be single.You get to know you.And most of all you get to know who God is.Waiting on God,is not waiting in vain.

  5. Thank you Thank you Queen good information..Peace upon you Queen , keep moving forward with your vision and mission. Proud of you. Tara

  6. Great article! Thanks for posting!

  7. Thank you all so much for the feedback. This one took me a while to write because I wanted it to be perfect for everyone <3 God bless you all!!

  8. Very Informative! Confirmed through biblicable doctrine:)


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