*TOXIC RELATIONSHIP* 11 Signs that YOU'RE in one and how to get OUT!

Are you in an unhealthy toxic relationship and don’t know it? A toxic relationship is a unhealthy relationship characterized by negative behaviors on the part of the toxic partner that are emotionally, mentally and physically damaging to their partner. This is a very dysfunctional, poisonous and dangerous relationship to be in, it damages your self-esteem and drains your energy. We risk our very being by staying in such a relationship there is no need for you to jeopardize your life or health for being in a toxic relationship. Many of us desire love and intimacy but find our way blocked by the fear of getting hurt, the worry of. Sadly some people think they are in LOVE and have to tolerate it; therefore it makes it harder for a person to walk away. Love is not defined by these negative characteristics and behaviors. Please don’t ignore these signs and keep yourself blinded by this, open your eyes up and pay attention!

 Here are 11 signs/behaviors that indicate that YOU’RE in one, if your partner is/has:

1. Always making you feel guilty- Throwing a guilt trip when they are the one who was in the wrong.
2. Having insecurities /Jealousy
3. Bad Tempered- This is very dangerous, especially if they can’t handle their temper
4. Verbally and physically abusive
5. Self-Centered- Selfish, everything they do in the relationship is for their own benefit; it's all about them - they don't take any time to think about you and your wants/needs
6. Always negative and never happy.
7. If they are constantly angry and take it out on you- - Blames you for their own faults and failures, instead of taking responsibility
8. Constantly breaking up and getting back together
9. If the person has told you, they will commit suicide if you break up with them- If they don’t value their own life, what makes you think they value yours? 
10. Controlling
11. Isolation- Controllers work to isolate you from anyone else in your life who may support you and make their work more difficult. They may be intensely jealous and keep you from both friends and family. Eventually you find yourself isolated from everyone but them.

 Some of the feelings that you have when you’re in a toxic relationship: Unappreciated, unaccepted, drained, fearful, stress, tired, unequal and dis-satisfied

So how do you get out of a TOXIC Relationship?
Simple: Simply let them go and set yourself FREE. It is always difficult letting go of the comfortable and familiar—even when it is harmful to us. God is longing to free you from the cycle of toxic relationships. God can and will fill the needs inside of your heart, if you simply ask him. God wants to renew your mind, spirit, body and soul and open your heart to the great things he has in store for your life.
Every step toward letting go of the unhealthy relationships you are in will free you up into stepping forward into His best. Bring closure to the relationships that have been holding you back from God’s best for your life. If domestic violence is involved, please be sure to see a professional counselor to guide you in taking the necessary steps to keep you safe from harm during this process. Surround yourself with friends and family who can support you through this hard time.

What if you want to stay?
 If you decide to stay remember that you can’t change your partner, but you can change yourself, which may lead you to behave differently with your partner, resulting in your partner deciding to change his or her behavior. A person will only change if they simply want too, you can’t force it, if they see that this behavior is destructive and they want to get help for this problem, change is possible.
 If nothing changes with them simply walk away from the relationship before it is too late, something’s you can’t get back in a relationship and one of them is time. Time is wasted: but take the lessons, experience and mistakes and LEARN and GROW from them personally and spiritually. Let me state that if GOD is not in the relationship, it won’t last.

 If you find this beneficial and know someone who can use it for themselves, please share it with them.  Sharing is caring! 
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 Love Always, 

Tiffany Lael


  1. Great job, Tiffany. I appreciate your bravery in addressing this subject matter. Keep helping people. These are warning signs.

  2. this is uplifting to me and i needed this everything that u said thats what i went through. thank u so much for this. May God Keep On Blessing U. LUV ALWAYS MY COACH AND SISTA IN CHRIST.

  3. I was in denial. Tried to look pass the bad & focus on the good.

  4. Wonderful job Tiffany! This is powerful for the person who cannot identify what type of relationship they are in. This will change someone's life.

  5. This can be true for friends on social networking too. If they don't accept who you are and when you want to go, they can play mind games to keep you feeling trapped and drain your energy.

    1. It's even worse when they are love addicts :( desperate people who need to deal with their real issues instead of covering them over with someone else's love to make him/her feel better.

  6. Last night knew something wasn't right about the constant bickering in this relationship I was in. He called and texted after we got off the phone but I knew I was tired so I didn't respond. Today he called again and just as I was about to respond I saw this article on Twitter. I read it and then I left a message to ask him not to call me again. I just want to say thank you for this article.


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