13 Highly effective ways to gain self VALUE and WORTH!

A lot of people truly don't know their worth and value in life. Self worth comes from within; you won’t find it by having more money, having more friends, having the finer things in life. It simply can’t be found from external factors. There is no magical pill for having self value and worth. Not having self value & worth is not a good thing sometimes because it can lead to you being mis lead, used by people and heartache. So I'm going to list 13 HIGHLY effective ways to gain it! Remember that God loves and accepts YOU for who YOU are unconditionally ღ
1. Love yourself unconditionally- When you love yourself unconditionally it makes it easier for you. Despite of your past mistakes and failures in life, gain a sense of unconditional self LOVE. Love your skin color, hair color, eyes and your body. If you have flaws/faults simply work on correcting them. If they can’t be corrected allow God to help with that. Read The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference
2. Know that you are able to do anything you want- With God all things are possible. (Bible verse Matthew 19:26 )
3. CHOOSE-Make a choice to be happy no matter your circumstances, remember God is always with you in life!
4. Know what you want out of life- Create a Vision board for your goals and things you want to accomplish in life, and fulfill them.
5. Forgive yourself- From the things that you have done in your past that you aren’t happy about. Remember God forgives you!
6. Know that you are beautiful/handsome-Despite of what others may or have said about you as far as your external appearance. Believe this about YOU, you are beautiful/handsome internally and externally!
7. Always be honest with yourself- Be honest as far as what you want for yourself for happiness.
8. Get rid of the negative things and people- You know exactly what I mean by this, the things and people who are bringing you down Stop the nasty bad habits, such as gossiping, manipulation, drinking, smoking, sexing. The people that are always talking negative to you and about you remove them from your life, if it’s a family member, you simply can love them from a distance.
9. Speak up for yourself- Never allow anyone to speak on your behalf if your right there and able to speak. 
10. Dress with confidence- When you dress yourself everyday, know that the outfit you chosen makes yourself look and feel good in it without anyone’s approval.
 11. Do something for your self daily- Even if it’s something small by looking in the mirror to say “I love me” or “Great job”.
12.  Don’t allow yourself to be used- If you are getting and seeing the signs that a person is using you, simply stop them. People only do what YOU allow them to do to you. Sadly some people take your kindness for a weakness, but you aren’t weak.
13. Start changing your thinking to be more optimistic about yourself-Instead of saying “I can’t do that” say  “I’ve never tried it, but I’ll give it a go”
Now I want you to do a few things moving forward. Write and place them where you can see them! GROW AND LEARN FROM THEM.
1. List ten things you like about yourself
2. List five of your most positive characteristics.
3. List three goals you have set and accomplished. 
4. List the two most important lessons you’ve ever learned.
If you find this beneficial and know someone who can use it for themselves, please share it with them.  Sharing is caring! 
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 Love Always, 
Tiffany Lael


  1. Great Blog. I love it. I especially like #11.

  2. Awesome! Gonna do the homework too..We love you Tiffy!

  3. Well My Value Just Increased!! Thanks Tiff! I thank God for you!

  4. Amen, I'm glad these has benefited everyone :) My heart smiles!


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