5 Ways to stay FOCUSED in life.

That's right start NOW, stay FOCUSED and finish STRONG. Have you ever found yourself not being focused on your priorities in your life? Many of us all go through this at some point. It is people out there that have goals, dream and visions and they just don't know how to prioritize their life to create things in order to make it happen. Staying focused can be a difficult task at times, but it can be overcome once you practice methods daily to implement it.  You truly have to invest in some time and work and not make any excuses. Ask yourself do you really want to become something/someone and be great and succeed at it? 
This world is so full of distractions, we tend to lose track of time, and our goals and we don't know how to manage our time effectively. I personally know how and what it means to lose track of time, get caught up on things that didn’t benefit me in life and made excuses. I stopped it once I realized I had a purpose to fulfill in life and wanted to become an entrepreneur, a better person in general and live my life to the fullest with no excuses. I want to help you invest in YOU so here are 5 great successful tips to help you stay focused in life.

1.  Set a goal~ Set obtainable short and long term goals. Write it down and have clarity on it, they need to be achievable, conceivable, measurable, aligned and desirable. Be sure your desire for your goal is strong enough. If you become distracted re read them so you are reminded of what and why you are doing what you are doing to achieve them!

2.   Know your purpose~ Some of us have callings, talents and gift/passion that we have been blessed with. Some are afraid to use it, trust me take heed apply it and pray on it. Allow God to create your path and not your own. There is greatness in you that I know YOU want to come out; step out on faith the world needs you.

3.   Plan ahead~ Set a schedule based around your working/family schedule and allow TIME for your priorities. I have had many clients set schedules for themselves and they have been successful more at their priorities by doing so. This helps you stay on track, of course your schedule won’t go as planned all the time, but at least you something in place to keep things organized. Always value your time and remember that procrastination is the thief of time, which we can’t get back.

4.   Cut out the distractions~ When you have something you want and need to do set aside the time to do so with NO DISTRACTIONS. Don’t get caught up on social media, cell phone, Internet, television, video games and gossip. YOU have to discipline yourself and have that pep talk and tell yourself, “these other distractions can wait, I have a goal/purpose to fulfill” Seek that inner strength that’s within; you can do it, make a conscious decision to do so. If needed lock your room door, go to the library or park to escape it all.

5.  Stop making excuses~ Time and time again people tend to make excuses on why they can’t do this or do that. Many tell themselves that they have had failures and setbacks and THINK they can’t stay focused or succeed at something. That is where you’re WRONG. Many successful people in life have had setbacks and failures; you know what the difference was with them? They overcame them and kept moving forward and didn’t allow it to STOP them with no excuses.

Remember to start NOW, stay FOCUSED and finish STRONG. Make it the best!

If you find this beneficial and know someone who can use it for themselves, please share it with them.  Sharing is caring! 

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 Love Always, 

Tiffany Lael


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