How to solve relationship/marriage problems successfully!


Everyone has some type of problem or disagreement in a relationship. How exactly are you handling them? What are you doing to resolve them?  Sadly many of us don’t know what to do or how to solve them. Most relationship problems stem from poor communication skills, effective communication is the key! The fact is that every marriage/relationship experiences problems, couples that are successful have learned how to manage them and keep their love life going.

Every problem should be tackled right away with a solution and sometimes if there is no agreement that is meet; come to an agreement to disagree. Don’t run from the problems, because if they are unsolved they can lead to many different things such as anger towards them, resentfulness, and infidelity so simply resolve them! Remember small problems that aren’t resolved can lead to a big major one, and you want to prevent that from happening.

 Here are some tips that can help you resolve relationship problems:

 1. Don’t approach your partner when you’re angry, mad or upset when a problem arouse, go cool down and humble yourself and then approach them.  It is ok to pray about it before you speak it!

 2. Be respectful; learn to listen while they talk and pay attention to what they’re really saying. So you can understand them, if you don’t, ask them to clarify for you.

 3. Display love when you communicate with them, talk at a steady pace, show eye contact and don’t point your finger.

4. Tackle the facts, don’t go on emotions based with it, some of us can’t handle our emotions in a positive manner so focus on the facts at hand.

5. Focus on one issue at a time.

6. Compromise= Compromise is not a sign of weakness.

If you really want to be heard here are some example statements you can say to your partner in any relationship problem:

  "I'd like it if we could take some time today to talk about something that's really important to me."
  "I feel that this is a problem we can work on together."
  "This is really difficult for me to bring up, but I just want to tell you how I feel about..."

For my married couples, remember that the family that prays together stays together. Allow God to be the head of your relationship issues.  Remember LOVE conquers all!

 If you find this beneficial and know someone who can use it for themselves, please share it with them.  Sharing is caring! 
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 Love Always, 

Tiffany Lael


  1. Great job. Will store this for future use.

  2. Number 5 is so important. It's easy to get away from the primary issue if you don't keep this in mind. Nice list!

  3. I like #2 listening is so important when there is a disagreement in the relationship. Good stuff & keep up the excellent work!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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