9 Ways to renew your spirit.

 At times in life, we get so caught up with our busy lifestyles we never take the time to sit and simply relax and renew our spirits. Many don’t know the importance of the fact that we need to slow down sometimes to have peace and find balance in our lives accordingly. Renewing your mind, body and spirit is so important in your life.

It’s 2011 and everyone has cell phones, IPods, Computers and IPads learn to turn them off for a while and get in tune with self not so much technology and the world. Invest in your family, spend real quality time with them, invest in you read a book to educate yourself for self growth and wisdom, wisdom has no age limit. Remember you make time for what you want spend it wisley because we don’t get time back!
People may think it can be challenging to renew our spirit with chaos in your life, but it’s not, here is 9 simple ways to renew your spirit I pray this blesses you.

1. Walk with God~ nothing will restore your soul like time with God. Maintain a relationship with him, it’s one of the best things you can do for yourself.

2. Cast Your Cares Upon Him~ Give him your all troubles, worries, problems, hurt, pain, fear, sadness, negative thoughts etc. give him 100% of it.

3. Meditate on the bible principles~ Read the bible daily so you are aware of Gods promises. Be obedient, discipline and faithful.

4. Listen to Godly Music~ There is nothing more uplifting than gospel/Christian songs. Some times you can relate to the song you at times while listening to it. This renews your spirit in a great way.

5. Read an Encouraging Book~ Find books on how to know God, you can go to your local library for this and grab some free resources online.

6. Serve Someone Else~ There is a blessing in blessing someone else. God rewards those who help others!

7. Share with someone~  Let someone know about your testimonial, things that you overcame, obstacles and how God has changed your life or delivered you from something! You never know how it help encourage them.

8. Rest~ Give your mind and body a rest, learn to relax and not worry all the time, our mind constantly runs with thoughts Fret not!

9. Spend Time with Someone You Love~ Cherish the moment with a loved one; quality time is the best when it’s spent well. Let them help you smile and laugh.

If you find this beneficial and know someone who can use it for themselves, please share it with them.  Sharing is caring! 

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 Love Always, 

Tiffany Lael


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