Why settle for LESS when you deserve the BEST?

 That’s right; don’t settle for less when you deserve nothing but the best for you in life. Many people have settled for less than they deserve in their lives for many reasons, such as just being comfortable and content with where they are, not knowing their value or worth and not knowing that there is other great things out there for them or acting out of FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) just to name a few. Often we don’t know what’s out there that’s better for us because we choose to close our eyes to a Person or something without knowing greater things do exist. 

Open your mind and heart to explore other avenues in your life. Of course we can create our own plan and path but let’s not lead on our own understanding and allow God to direct our paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.)

 Sometimes you have to forget what you want to remember what you deserve! 

Now if you’re waiting, that is ok to wait on something or someone for which you deserve. Many times that’s the best we can do for ourselves; for our hearts and mind. God wants you to have the very best in life.

To determine whether you’re settling ask yourself these few questions and answer them.

Is it possible that I’m missing things that would bring even more satisfaction and more pleasure to my life? 
Am I stopping myself from getting the best in life?

Do I have a good relationship?

Am I completely satisfied with where I’m at right now in my life?

Do I realize my maximum potential?

Do I have abundance in my life?

Do I have high expectations but I always settle for less?

Am I just given up and given in?

In closing, when it comes to choices in life and there was one or few bad decisions that wasn’t the best choice you made, you can simply ask yourself “How did this or that happen?”  The answer maybe along the lines if you settled for something less than you deserved.  Remember to please learn from your past and allow it to make you wise and smarter in your choices. I pray the very best in all you do and pray you make the right decisions on things and people. Remember life is full of choices so choose wisely. 

Here are some affirmation statements for you!

I deserve the best that God has given to me 
I deserve to live my life happy

I deserve to live out my passion in life
I deserve to be successful

I deserve true unconditional LOVE from my spouse 
I deserve to live a stress free life

I deserve to have the desires of my heart

If you find this beneficial and know someone who can use it for themselves, please share it with them.  Sharing is caring! 

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 Love Always, 

Tiffany Lael


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